Air Pressure

The atmosphere is what we call the whole bunch of air which surrounds the Earth. A basic problem with understanding aeroplanes and flying is understanding that air is real stuff! It is invisible, so it looks like a plane is flying though nothing. This is not true! Air is just as real as metal, wood and concrete! In aviation we rely on air being real to fly. The wings push the air downwards giving the LIFT that holds the plane up....

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Feel The Lift

Warning This experiment involves sticking your hand out the window of a moving car. This may be ILLEGAL in some countries, and should only ever be done where safe and with the permission of the driver of the car. Experiment 1: Feel the Lift A very simple experiment next time you are in a car allows you to feel the power of lift, and understand hour the ANGLE that a wing meets the air determines the amount of LIFT, and DRAG, produced....

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