Air New Zealand – Hobbit Safety Video

This has to be one of the most brilliant safety videos I have ever seen… fun, info-filled and captivating.  In fact, unlike other safety videos which are so often ignored, I suspect every passenger on the plane will be captivated by this video.  Well done Air New Zealand!

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Airport Security Scanner

The security checkpoint at an airport is a very important place, and very entertaining… What is airport security? Our job is to keep our airport and aeroplanes safe. We want to stop any baddie who might want to bring dangerous things into our airport. Almost everyone is good, but sometimes people bring dangerous things in their luggage by accident. We need to find these things to keep everybody safe. How do you do that? Well,...

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What is Turbulence?

Some people think turbulence is related to diet… Turbulence is “Bumpy Air”… This bumpy air can make for a bumpy ride! There are many causes of turbulence… Turbulence, or “bumpy air” can be caused by many things. Here are some examples… Gusty Winds Sometimes the winds are gusty. You know what I mean… you go outside and one minute the wind is howling and the next minute it is calm....

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How Cold is it Outside?

You may have heard a pilot tell you how cold it is outside. Why do they tell you this? Because it is SO AMAZINGLY COLD that they just have to tell someone! So how cold are we talking here?   Cold enough to keep your peas frozen. Yep, but colder than this.   Typically, the temperature outside a jet plane at cruise level could be as cold as -65 degrees Celcius! That would keep anybody’s peas frozen. Why is it so cold out...

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